Saturday, May 19, 2012

Judging and "helping"

Sorry I haven't wrote a post in a while, I went out of town to visit family! And I've been thinking a lot about a topic that is sore to a lot of people! "Judging other parents and stepping in to help." Everyone has heard someone else criticizing someone's parenting... I'm not going to lie, I've done it! It's ok to have a different view or opinion on how to raise kids, it's perfectly normal and healthy! I think my opinion is obvious, but if it isn't clear I will tell it to you. I believe in Natural products, Natural foods, and natural medicines! I want my kids to play outside not play video games, I believe in educational toys and activates. I don't want my kids to have Soda, fast food, fried food, or large amounts of candy/sugar. A lot of people think I'm crazy for feeling this way, but that's what I stand for, that's how I want to raise my kids. Does that make me wrong, or give me the right to judge people who DO take their kids out to fast food, give them soda, and all the things I'm against? I don't think it does. Like I said before I think it's healthy to have different methods and raise kids how the parents think it is best as long as the children aren't in any danger and no harm is done. Now to the 2nd part of my post, Stepping in and "Helping" I understand wanting to help it is a natural loving thing to want to help those we care about. I am all over babysitting when a family member needs it, helping get the groceries out of the car, picking up kids from school. All of those loving ways of showing your love. But what about when you disagree with the way someone is doing something and decide to step in and "help?" For example you just had a baby, and you went out and bought the crib, high chair, bath tub, car seat and stroller that you want to use for your baby. When a family member see's the items you just bought they say "Well I think you should get travel system that's the best thing for babies." You explain "Well travel systems are great and all, but I love how light umbrella strollers are. The baby can use this stroller from the time he is 20 lbs until he is 5 years old! "We'll" says the family member, "What are you going to do before the baby is 20 lbs?" "I want to use a sling, it's good bonding, and good exercise!" When the baby shower comes, that family member gets you a travel system and mouths the words "Your welcome" with a smirk on their face... Is this helping? Is it their place to magically change your mind? What if we one up situation and instead of getting the travel system for your baby shower it just magically appears one day and the stroller and car seat you had are now gone? WHAT IN THE WORLD! I don't understand or appreciate situations like this. I think it is an unspoken rule that when it comes to someone else's life, children, and animals you should always ask before you make a change or decision for them. Does the situation change if you asked the family member to watch the child and they "Help" While you are gone? Give the kid a French fry, buy the travel system, pierce their ears? Please comment and give me your opinions!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kushies Contest!

Want to win a super cute cloth diaper???? Well The Bragging Mommy is giving away a free Kushies cloth diaper! Follow her instructions and Tada your entered!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pinterest & Valentine's day

If you don't have a pinterest, GET ONE! There are some great activites and healthy recipes! I invie you to follow me Mandi Richeson.

Some get Valentine's things I found on pinterest;
Cherry Tomato hearts,
fruit valentine's,
here's a great V-day pre-k learning packet,
paint feet and stamp them on paper in the shape of a heart,
sponge hearts,
Valentine's lunch directions here or you can do your own spin on this and last but not least,
little healthy gifts with cute sayings here are a few:
your'e the apple of my eye (apple or dried apples)
you make me bubbly (bubbles)
you make me berry happy (fresh berries)
I'm nuts about you (pistachios, unsalted peanuts or raw almonds)
thanks for "sticking" by my side (chapstick)
you can also make your own! Here is a free printable download

Have a happy and healthy V-day!!!


My Name is Mandi, I have been a childcare provider for over 10 years! Starting with babysitting, then nannying, then daycare, and now nannying and babysitting again. I love kids! Hubby and I haven't had one just yet, but I am preparing for that day to come! This Blog is all about a healthy way of living for kids. With limited to no "Junk" food and ideas to make it possible! It's hard, I see it everywhere! For kids its normal to have Candy, fast food, soda and sugary things quite a bit... But what about those of us who DON'T want that for our kids? It's hard to stay away from it. Every holiday and even there are temptations, Halloween is a big one, not only trick or treating, but also school/ church parties! The whole holiday is about candy, can that change? All the other holidays including the small ones like st. pattys day and valentines are celebrated at school with junk! Other children's birthday parties, award ceremonies, the list goes on! I want to try to help to create alternatives! I'm hoping there are many other people like me out there. And hopefully by the time I have kids and they go to school this can be changed! I would love for everyone who feels this way to have a group in their city to get together on Halloween and trick or treat at each others houses for games, stickers, healthy goodies, things like that! So your kids don't have to miss out on anything! Anyway So I hope you enjoy my blog, tell your friends who have to same opinions and lets do this!